Thursday, November 15, 2018

I. Introduction

We have a variety and rich inherited philosophies. We might have even based our philosophies from our great ancestors. But as unique individuals, we all have a different "window to the world" and "compass in life".

In this blog entry, I will share my thoughts, beliefs and experiences that lead my heart to the teaching profession.

II. Personal Philosophy of Education

I believe that we are in this world to live a life of purpose. We are not created for ourselves alone. It is our mission to seek for the worth of our existence. I ended up discovering my mission in TEACHING. 

Teaching might not be my first choice, but my fate happens to bring me here. My five years of working in the academe as a Guidance in-charge opened-up my heart to accept a vocation that I believe will serve my purpose in life, and that is to educate the MIND, HEART & SOUL of the learners.

III. Why teach?

I want to teach to help students realize that we are all valuable, we are all loved and that we are all in this world to serve a purpose. It saddened me to know and experience cases of students who lack the value of self-worth; suicidal tendencies, depression, anxiety and other mental health problems seems to be so common at their early age. 

I will teach with the best of my ability to aid my students find their self-worth and discover the value of their existence in their own unique way. I will also be an advocate of promoting the importance of mental health to this generation.

IV. What to teach?

The quote above is a reflection of what I want my students to acquire as they conquer the world in the future. It is my goal to teach not by imposing the values that I believed to be right, but to enhance the innate goodness in each and every one's heart. I will facilitate the holistic development of every child in their optimum level.

V. How do you teach?

In every counselor's rule, rapport is the first thing that is needed to be established among the counselor and the counselee. I will adapt this practice of mine when I became a teacher. I will build trust between myself and my students, because I believe that it is the first way to maintain a harmonious and friendly-environment inside the classroom. I'll be the kind of teacher whom they can relate openly and honestly. 

In terms of materials and strategies, I am going to use realias or real objects, and exposing them to real situations, if possible, to allow my students learn by experience. 


Upon writing this blog entry realizations hit me...

Yes, I am "not yet" a teacher,but I "want" to be a teacher, and I "promise" that soon I will become one, and when I become one, I will not stop learning to be an effective educator :)